Discovering early America
The Izapa Temple complex has fascinated archaeologists over the past century, revealing many intact, unique monuments that provide valuable insight into origin and rise of Mesoamerican civilization, including the origin of the 260-day Maya Calendar.
The Ancient American Foundation is dedicated to expanding our understanding of early American peoples from primary sources, including carved stelae and early ancient writings.
The Ancestral Tree of Life
Izapa Stela 5
The Izapa Stela 5 stone is significant because it provides insight into Mesoamerican culture’s early beliefs and mythology. It is the most detailed rendering of any Tree of Life in the world and preserves a historic record of the Five World Ages and calendar systems.
This Ancestral Tree represents humanity’s journey from its 12 Tribal Ancestral roots at the bottom of the Tree to the fruit-filled branches near heaven.

people out of darkness and
to the Tree
the Tree's fruit to a person.
He partakes of the fruit
and is now reborn
the 12 Ancestral Tribes
The Ancestral Tree of Life
The Izapa Virtual Restoration Project
The Pre-Classic Izapa Temple complex is one of Mesoamerica’s most uniquely preserved archeology sites. Since its construction over 2000 years ago, the original mounds and stelae remain intact. As a result, much valuable information is revealed about the origin and rise of Mesoamerican civilization.
To help Izapa take its rightful place in world history, the Ancient America Foundation has embarked on an inspiring project to restore the Izapa Temple Complex in virtual reality. Our website contains accurate and detailed 360 degree renderings of Plaza A, Plaza B, and Stela 5.
Video Resources
Izapan Stelae
Izapa is a large Mesoamerican archeological site located in Chiapas, Mexico most widely know for the unique art style and monuments located across six different plazas.
The Ancient American Foundation has documented the most notable stelae depicting pre-Columbian religious and mythological narratives and ceremonial information discovered at Izapa.

The Ancient America Foundation
Founded by V. Garth Norman in 1980, the Ancient America Foundation, Inc. (AAF), a non-profit educational organization, expands and spreads knowledge of early American peoples, cultures, and histories so it can be appreciated by people of all ages.
AAF gives special attention to connections between God and the family from primary sources, including carved stelae, and early ancient writings.
Our work, including the Izapa Virtual Restoration Project and our educational video resources are made possible by our generous donors.